Discussion link in American Philosophical Association on New world order
Posted on July 2, 2012 by admin
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Articles on governance, spirituality, freedom etc. posted recently from reputed sources in blog in www.materialistspiritualist.org pointing need for a New world order.
Communism has failed. Now capitalism has failed. There is suspicion,…materialistspiritualist.org
Transition from Nonlife to Life Communism has failed. Now capitalism has failed. There is suspicion, mistrust and social indifference every where leading to disharmony, helplessness and violence. In these days of MPs…
3 days ago
Hartley W. • From the article Chekuru linked to:
“Communism has failed. Now capitalism has failed. There is suspicion, mistrust and social indifference every where leading to disharmony, helplessness and violence. . .There is a need for paradigm shift in our thinking, faiths, beliefs, attitudes and behavior for achieving synergy, peace, harmony, justice and development. This calls for research in understanding TRUTH.”
A New World Order! What a remarkably bad idea, especially if it is founded on something called TRUTH. There is nothing more coercive, nothing more potentially violent, nothing more destructive to peace, nothing more productive of hopelessness and disharmony than the notion of truth as this would be conceived in the construction of a new world order. This is a form of political ideology being masked as spirituality and freedom.
A “new world order” is conceptually inseparable from politics. What this article pictures is a world order wherein the economic and social forces which gave rise philosophically to political realism do not exist. What this would likely produce is a world order which would be a tool in the manipulation of economic/social interests.
What would a new world order look like? How would a new world order come to be the dominant form of politics without becoming the very thing for which it was to be the solution? I suspect the answer would take a form something like the following: In the name of TRUTH, and in order to establish once and for all time a political order in which current social cancers are addressed (the article cites these: “corruption in highest places, corruption all around us, favouratism, nepotism, discrimination, embezzlement, self-agrandizement, mis-management, adultery, cheating, stealing and dereliction every where, intolerance, violence, mistrust, social indifference and social disorder”), we must eliminate those people and structures which are their causes–by whatever means necessary. TRUTH would demand nothing less. After all, what’s a little bit of war between friends, right, especially if it’s for a good cause?
Of course, this may not be your answer, or the answer supplied by the Materialist, Spiritualist Mission Trust who produced the article you cited, but if it is it should be noted that this is NOT an example of a new paradigm in human thought; indeed, it is precisely the kind of thought which dominates and justifies the policies of virtually every modern nation state. 2 days ago
Prof.Suresh K. • Both spirituality or religion and politics deal with human beings. A politics devoid of spirituality is infested with corruption and creates an unethical atmosphere of manoeuvred situations, circumstances and people. If you do not recognise the individual or universal spirit, there is no reason for you to be ethical. Politics without ethics and human values would result in chaos, crime and corruption
The goal of politics is to bring good governance and increase material, emotional and physical comfort of people. The aim of spirituality is to boost morality and human values. Both politics and spirituality need to go hand in hand.
For good governance, spirituality is necessary. Only spirituality can invoke commitment, care and confidence. Spiritual people live the values, which are absolutely essential for those in governance. A leader has to be a samadarshi , one who sees everyone as being equal; satyadarshi , who moves with the Truth; paradarshi, who is transparent in action; doordarshi, being broad-minded and a visionary; and priyadarshi, embodying love and compassion.
On the one hand, religion has been the cause of many wars on this planet. On the other hand, religion and spirituality have thrived only because of the patronage of the state. If a society is chaotic and has no spiritual values it is difficult to govern and if there is no official patronage, it is difficult for spirituality to survive.
Spirituality makes people honest and committed and this is necessary to create a crime-free society. State patronage makes spirituality spread faster to all sections of society. While many wars are fought in the name of religion, spirituality has given courage, confidence and commitment to people even in the toughest of times. Many saints, prophets, Sufis and sanyasis have been victimised due to lack of political patronage. For example, many Sikh gurus were persecuted by the state. This affected the morale of society and resulted in bad governance
Religion has created conflict, but irreligious societies have created chaos and corruption. Did not millions suffer in Russia, China and Cambodia in the name of freeing society of religious beliefs? Today, both religion and politics need reform. Religion has to become more spiritual to allow freedom of worship and broader to encompass all the wisdom in the world and politicians have to become more righteous and spiritual.
When spirituality and politics don’t coexist, then you have corrupt politicians and pseudo-religious leaders. Spirituality is ingrained in the Indian polity. Since ancient times rajgurus have guided and counselled rulers and in turn rulers have supported religious and spiritual leaders. Rama’s guru was Vasishta and Krishna’s guru was Sandipani. Jainism and Buddhism flourished under the patronage of the rulers of their time. Shivaji gave patronage to Samarth Ramdass[times of india reflections too]
2 days ago
Chekuru V. • Dear Prof.Hartley Wootton,
Thank you for your comments.As you know human society is total in nature.We compartmentalize for ease or it might have evolved as such as per need?Whatever,to-day or from 2000 AD onwards,there is more violence, dis-harmony ,helplessness and insecurity everywhere?As one among the affected from childhood, seeing problems of fellow human beings everywhere with similar problems,I tried to search for a possible solution-studying ancient world to to-days world in it’s more or less totality?I was convinced that this theory or way of life will give deliverance to a vast majority of people around the globe?To-day the Empirical method of philosophy which is used in science is the agreed one in society as a sanctity which I am not convinced?This is okay in the finite world but when you enter the undefinable TOTALITY or peripheries of contours of conceipts,empirical method will be a failure or can not explain phenomenon ?Please visit SPEECHES part,Twi-light of The gods,Times are changing ,New ways of global co-operation etc in the website or blog- www.materialistspiritualist.org If you are happy with the existing order or system of thinking,you may not be able to appreciate this view point? Or may find some other solutions appealing?Kindly treat this material as one among the plenty available in a library?I found this useful and hence I kept writing.If we do not base our theory on TRUTH or nature of Truth ,on what else we should base?
Thank you once again for your comments.
Venkataramanaiah Chekuru
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