Obama’s Rudderless China,Russia policy-from blogs.cnn.com
Posted on September 30, 2012 by admin
Obama’s Rudderless China,Russia policy- published in CNN.com dated 26-09-2012 – my comments with overall perspective posted in my Facebook account.
The gun point capitalism and communism evolved from the industrial revolution seem to have failed unable to solve to-day’s world problems.To-day world is run mostly through materialist hard power.The soft power of spiritualism is dis-couraged by and large as state policy resulting in despair and pain every where?Capitalist and communist states have become insensitive to common man’s problem though every body took power in his/her name and for serving him using conceipt of public good?There is violence,pain and despair every where?For a possible effective soft solution visit article1-New ways of global co-operation-a feedback in www.materialistspiritualist.org
Venkataramanaiah Chekuru
About admin
Venkataramanaiah Chekuru : Detailed Profile: http://www.materialistspiritualist.org/my_profile.html
BE(Gold Medalist,73),MBA(IIM-B,76).
Out-sourced CEO, Mentor and Management Consultant.
Ex-Director on the Board/MC member-STPI,Hyderabad(Govt. Of India). http://www.hyd.stpi.in
Ex-VP(Corporate Management&HRD)-MIC Electronics Ltd.
Ex-Director-MIC Tech Center .
Ex-President(out-sourced from 2007-2011)/Retainer-Chadalavada Infratech Ltd .
Ex-DGM-APEL(Andhra Pradesh Electronic Development Corporation Ltd) .
Ex-Director on the Boards of several companies.
(Recovered from the blog) |