Country’s security a shared responsibility:PC
Posted on March 12, 2012 by admin
Visit the following link on an article in The New Indian Express dated 18-02-2012 on-Country’s security a shared responsibility-PC with comments link in the post.
Already there are a plethora laws and institutions meant to address the issues of terrorism.One has to study/verify whether the existing laws/institutions are properly used to address the issues of terrorism.Observing the past –one seem to get the impression that there is tremendous in-efficiency/lithargy or lack of will or malafide intensions.
Keep on making laws or creating institutions to address the issue without effective implementation is not going to solve the problem?Besides it creates doubts in the minds of states on the encroachment of the centre into their powers of the states thereby giving rise to problems of doubts on federalism.This seems to be not such an urgent issue right now?
Besides there are many pressing issues the nation is facing needing attention like: development and usage in economic development/governance
2.effective management of national economy
3.effective management of poverty issues
4.effective management of communal issues instead of making them vote bank politics
5.effective management of rural economy increasing employment and entrepreneurship opportunities thus reducing rural social tensions
6.improving governance in all four pillars of our democracy i.e.-legislature,executive,judiciary and media.
Law making is certainly the prerogative of the ruling dispensation but people’s needs should be taken into consideration.As a national policy the polity should move to a paradigm of minimum laws and least policing giving such enlightened leadership which will lead to synergy,peace,harmony,justice and development everywhere.
Hence one seems to get doubt about the intensions about the above law/institution.And also one seems to get fear that it will be mis-used as it has been proved and happened in the past about the whims and fancies of the ruling club of the time in order to win elections by hook or crook throwing national/social interest to the winds?
An opinion please!
Venkataramanaiah Chekuru
(Comments posted in the Facebook dated 18-02-2012)
About admin
Venkataramanaiah Chekuru : Detailed Profile:
BE(Gold Medalist,73),MBA(IIM-B,76).
Out-sourced CEO, Mentor and Management Consultant.
Ex-Director on the Board/MC member-STPI,Hyderabad(Govt. Of India).
Ex-VP(Corporate Management&HRD)-MIC Electronics Ltd.
Ex-Director-MIC Tech Center .
Ex-President(out-sourced from 2007-2011)/Retainer-Chadalavada Infratech Ltd .
Ex-DGM-APEL(Andhra Pradesh Electronic Development Corporation Ltd) .
Ex-Director on the Boards of several companies.
(Recovered from the blog) |