Power,not principles
Posted on March 12, 2012 by admin
Visit the following link on an article in The times of India dated 10-01-2012 on-Power,not principles
Power, not principles
Mr.Rajiv Desai,
Thanks for your onesided analysis which media is used to cover in India since independence.It is not anti-congressism.It is anti-dynastic politics that many people are against especially the educated middle class youth.This takes us to the famous speech on 15-8-1947,where it was pronounced”tryest with Destiny” promising equal opportunity to all citizens?Well after 64 years,one sees that it is not “Tryest with Destiny” but tryest with family rule from village to nation?The opposition instead of fighting based on principles-are fighting on trivialities?No one need to emanicipate Indian people?Pl allow them to free themselves from the clutches of this culture of family rule?You go to any office,you get a feel with whose recommendation you have gone there?For more details pl visit messages1&2 and other messages and articles in www.materialistspiritualist.org You have mensioned about PM&congress president.They are serving on their volition based on compulsions of their party and it’s leadership?Nothing more.There is plenty of talent in India,but we “nip in the bud”?So there is scarcity of leadership?These aspects media does not bring out?Thanks to facebook?Who can be against congress party which poled 36%?People are vexed and craving for solutions?
(Comments posted in the Facebook dated 10-01-2012)
About admin
Venkataramanaiah Chekuru : Detailed Profile: http://www.materialistspiritualist.org/my_profile.html
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Ex-Director on the Board/MC member-STPI,Hyderabad(Govt. Of India). http://www.hyd.stpi.in
Ex-VP(Corporate Management&HRD)-MIC Electronics Ltd.
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Ex-President(out-sourced from 2007-2011)/Retainer-Chadalavada Infratech Ltd .
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