Dear friends,
Sub:Tryest with Destiny
When I passed out my BE with gold medal in 1973 ,I was given two books and a testament.Somewhere in them,it was mentioned “Tryest With Destiny” during independence day.In 2009,after 36 years,I feel that it is not” Tryest With Destiny” but “Tryest With Family Rule”.Family rule at all levels i.e.from village to nation.This is the Institutional Culture that INDIA has invented after Independence.Well,this may not be good for democratic INDIA whose constitution promises each citizen an opportunity “to dream”.
Can the CHILDREN of half naked coolies,the harizans,the adivasies in the remote villages afford “to dream”? Is there a “HOPE” for them? What is the common bondage for the citizens of INDIA? Is just a culture dominated by a few? or what?
Without addressing this issue properly,INDIA travelled for 62 years with some pockets of good growth and a vast underdevelopment and undevelopment resulting in social turbulences and large scale violence we are witnessing today.
Can INDIA Inc.address this issue wholeheartedly to avoid immediate violence and probable future worst bloodshed.
C.Venkataramanaiah BE(Gold Medallist),MBA(IIM-B,74-76)
--- On Fri, 30/10/09, Venkata Ramanaiah <> wrote:
From: Venkata Ramanaiah <>
Subject: [iimb_hyderabad] INDIA Institutional Collusion,,,,,
Date: Friday, 30 October, 2009, 1:31 PM
Dear friends,
Sub:INDIA Institutional Collusion
Democratic constitutions are drafted based on the premise that the four pillars of democracy namely Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Press will work independently and check and balace each other and bring out cancer/social problems to the people’s notice or bring in necessary correction.Here in independent INDIA for the last 62 years there appears to be unbearable institutional( all four pillars of democracy) collusion resulting in bad governance and untold problems to a vast majority of Indians.
Comments please.
C.Venkataramanaiah BE(Gold Medallist),MBA( IIM-B,74- 76)
Shared among iimb,karmayog and other yahoo groups on 18-03-2011
Sub:INDIA Institutional Collusion
Democratic constitutions are drafted based on the premise that the four pillars of democracy namely Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Press/media will work independently and check and balance each other and bring out cancer/social problems to people’s notice or bring in necessary correction.Here in independent INDIA for the last 63 years there appears to be unbearable institutional (all four pillars of democracy) collusion resulting in crony capitalism, bad politics, governance&justice and untold problems to a vast majority of Indians.
Will the current churning leads to solution or more problems?
Venkataramanaiah Chekuru BE(Gold Medalist), MBA(IIM-B,74-76)
Founder&Managing Trustee