Date: Tuesday, 20 October, 2009, 1:34 PM
Ecademy Comment
Wouter Havinga has commented on one of your posts at Ecademy.
Original Post: What can we learn from the World Wealth Report?
You can read it here:-
The right kind of gold standard is found on a non-material level
Hi Lucas,
With reference to your question about currencies, I think that we should aim for a global currency so that people can not speculate on these anymore.
This was covered in "The colours of money course" on this forum I wrote some of my notes of which the following probably addresses your question to me;
" With reference to one single global economy we need to overcome that one culture - the Anglo Saxon- that dominates it.
In economic life the objectivity has got lost in the sense that nobody questions "market forces" as the driving factor. This supply and demand theory is one sided and does not do the world a lot of good and becomes dysfunctional. It is not working towards a healthy world society.
Rudolf Steiner looking back over history felt that the current economics realm has emancipated itself from the rights sphere and cultural-spiritual sphere. In the olden day there was a different consciousness and society was ruled in a theocratic way and within that the rights sphere was incorporated and within that again was the economic life happening.
Also in feudal times there were all these different cities competing with each other but over time they conglomerated into countries and now into a global awareness. In other words we should not be thinking about competing entities. And this is exactly was I hear within Ecademy; how can we (each individual) add value.
This is the basis of the presenter of the course Christopher Houghton-Budd and Associative Economics. Nowadays it is about synergetic activity, a conscious collaborative fashion. So need to partner rather than compete.
Unfortunately in economics mainstream thinking ideas like these tend to rule; Resources are scares. You allocate these by price mechanisms. In other words, survival of the fittest. And, if you come up with the idea of abundance you will be vilified.
Instead one needs to start with the individual human being. That is the only concrete objective entity in economic life. Market forces are a non-entity and people cannot expect "the invisible hand" to regulate, in fact, each human being needs to regulate him/herself. And I see this happening in Ecademy where it is called R/D (Research and development).
Rudolf Steiner talked about true price as compared to the current notion of cheapest price. The true price comes from the value of what you provide for the other out of your own competencies and the description of your circumstances. He challenged the notion of paying for someone's work. As it is not work that you pay for but the value it brings to you.
Economic life nowadays conjures up a very negative human image, for example that everyone is greedy. But within the RD of Ecademy I have already noticed that values are more important and that people make a relationship with others in business and do a deal. Taking into account the other persons circumstances and competencies. Plain shopping around for the cheapest quote does not seem to the case.
But in modern economics the negative tendency rears its head for example in that we love the sale but despise the expense. Instead we can say that we benefit from the competencies that the other brings to my business, a value that I can make use of.
But in modern economics you are required by law to compete (EU) otherwise it can be seen as collusive behaviour.
So it is a discipline to keep the focus that each human being is doing his/her thing for the love of what s/he is doing rather than some external stimulus like a paycheck. In Ecademy the awareness has come to the fore that each one is doing his best regardless, because of people love what they do. So the economic world need to wake up - that such an integrity is a different point of view than the prevailing view."